10 February 2022 @ 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm
We are deeply committed to ensuring that your child, and yourselves as parents, are as well informed as possible about the GCSE option subjects even during this strangest of years. To this end, I have pleasure in confirming the arrangements to support your son/daughter in making appropriate course choices. Please note we will be offering two sessions for your flexibility covering the same content.
We will be delivering an information evening which aims to support you with more information about specific option subjects. This will be a live streamed event ran through Microsoft teams. Mrs Summerscales, Deputy Headteacher and Mr Ward, Assistant Headteacher, will be holding two live presentations to ensure that all students are able to make fully informed decisions about the GCSE options available to them in Year 10. All students and parents are welcome to join either of the two online live sessions and will have opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the options process.
For more information, meeting links and documentation about this key event then please visit the school website home page where you will be able to locate:
- A link to enable you to access the Options Evening live presentation via Microsoft Teams
- Subject information videos, which have been recorded by our Curriculum Leaders
- Options Booklet for 2022-2024
- ‘Help your child make the best GCSE choices’ leaflet from the Department for Education
- A link to enable students to complete their Options Form – to be completed by students via Microsoft Forms by Friday 4th March 2021
I would ask you to note that this is not a parents’ evening and we shall not be in a position to enter detailed discussions concerning an individual’s progress in their Year 9 studies. Should you have any further questions following the Options Evening then please email the Academy on [email protected] including your name, your child’s name and the best number for us to contact you on. We will endeavour to contact you within 48 hours regarding your query during term time.